
On Ratchet and Clank Reboot and Starfox Zero

Today's generation of younger gamers are not yet familiar with many of the games that have changed the landscape of video gaming as a whole in general, which is why publishers and developers are likely to rekindle what make these games popular through reboots and remakes released for today's new generation of consoles and handhelds. So far, it seems that some of them have already become successful in catering their elements to new gamers with a younger and more intriguing vibe.

One of them recently is the PlayStation 4 reimagining of the original Ratchet and Clank video game that was first released for the console's earlier predecessor, the PS2, back in 2002. Well, it seems that developer Insomniac Games has been successful in recapturing the magic of the first game through adding a variety of gameplay elements that would cater well to a new bunch of gamers who want to know about how the series all started which include strafing, weapon and health upgrades, and new weapons like the Pixelizer. The only problem is that Insomniac should have more focus on Clank, but there is no doubt that playing the reboot is close to having an own Disney-Pixar movie like no other.

And then there is Starfox Zero, the latest installment of Nintendo's Star Fox series for the Wii U, which is claimed by many gamers as a reimagining of the 1997 hit N64 video game Starfox 64. Now Nintendo may have clarified that it is not either a prequel or a strict remake of Starfox 64, the gameplay elements are proof that it is recapturing the elements of the original Starfox to the new generation.You can say it is a remake, but you have to play it to find out for yourself. Otherwise, just watch this review instead.

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