
Nintendo NX to Become Reality in Early 2017

Nintendo NX

It's been about a year since there have been speculations and rumors that video game hardware and software giant Nintendo is planning to launch and release a new gaming system code-named NX, and there have been mixed reactions regarding this matter throughout that period. Now Nintendo has officially confirmed that the new system named NX will be scheduled for release worldwide on March 2017.

Many thought that the new gaming console or handheld to their thought will be out for the holidays, but Nintendo president Tatsumi Kirishima insisted that the company is making sure that the games developed and to be released for the NX are ready for it. And one of the games to be launched for the NX is the new Legend of Zelda game, which will also be released for the Wii U. By the way, the new Zelda game will be the only game to be showcased in this year's E3 and nothing else, so this announcement from the company will dismay a lot of game journalists.

Some business critics consider the NX as a critical factor in the long-term success of Nintendo in the video game industry, as they want the company to rebound after a disappointing turnout in terms of Wii U and 3DS sales. Game journalists around the world are thinking of predictions and expectations from the new console, as well as the games to be released for the system such as a new Mario Kart and Axiom Verge to name a few.

Regardless of these expectations, the coming of a new era in video games through the Nintendo NX will come to fruition when it becomes real early next year. So, loyal Nintendo fans and gamers around the world, watch out for it!! And if this does not happen, don't hate Nintendo and its sleuth of intriguing and globally-popular characters if you want better video games for your own home.

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