
Reeling Off The Best of Google I/O 2016

Google has recently introduced its newest surge of innovations and features that would further cater to the digital lifestyle needs of consumers around the world that can cope in today's modern world and with its latest developments, and they all showcased at the company's own annual developer conference known as the Google I/O. Do you want to know what the world's most valuable tech and life brand were up to? Here are just some of them, aside from the newest version of Google's popular mobile operating system tentatively named as Android M.

Google Assistant

It is much different from Google Now because it can now recognize and understand context and the natural flow of language. To put it simple, I don't what this means but this is just the conversational version of Google Now.

Google Home

Google's new mobile personal assistant is considered a direct competitor to Amazon's Echo and works as the smart centerpiece for the home of tomorrow. It can control modern appliances, understands what you are asking and manage a schedule for you just by using your own voice.

Allo and Duo

Of all the recent developments that Google has introduced in the conference, these two are my most favorite regardless of what you think about them. Allo is a smart messaging app that can give quick replies to conversations with your friends plus the capacity to offer suggestions during your talk, while Google's enhanced video messaging app has a feature that allows you to see who is calling on the other side before you start talking. If you think that these two are not enough to satisfy what you want for your own conversations, then you should think twice before you try.


2016 is slated to become the year of VR, so it is best for developers and tech companies to provide innovations that cater to the new technology and suit what is best for their consumers. Google has introduced Daydream, the company's main platform for everything virtual reality while experimenting on Cardboard which is expected to come out soon. Once it is ready, I think it will be available on smartphones with specialized sensors.

Well, these are just some of what I think is the best of Google's annual developer conference to the best of my own knowledge and capacity to understand their purpose in today's modern world. If you want to know more about what is happening at the said conference, fear not for you can experience this at a very short time. Enjoy watching the best of Google I/O 2016.

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