
Why Should Filipino Bloggers Go to Blogapalooza?

Blogapalooza 2016: Horizons

Honestly, I am just a desperate blogger who wants to make money from blogging. But now that I have learned the lessons from my past mistakes since I began learning to blog in January 2014, I have realized that there is something more that I can learn from blogging not just for personal gain. And while I am rediscovering myself to become a better author to my blog, I would provide a chance to fresh bloggers from different parts of the country to interact at the upcoming Blogapalooza 2016: Horizons event this Saturday, May 21st, at the Prosperity Hall of Elements at Centris.

There is no doubt that there are millions of bloggers working on their own experience in different parts of the country, with some of them becoming popular in their own right while many are just new to this riveting experience. Heck, many of them have already considered blogging as a business. But, the purpose of having an event like this is more than just making blogging a business.

You see, Blogapalooza is not just an event for bloggers to share their ideas to other bloggers, but it is eventually a fun-filled and anticipated business-to-blogger event that would create new connections between bloggers and businesses alike. True enough, the event's purpose has already been realized with a larger following from its blogger network. So, there is no other important reason why you should go there and exchange your own ideas to fellow bloggers based on what you have been experiencing.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up now at blogapalooza.ph and discover new opportunities and explore many possibilities. Oh, and by the way, it's a one-day event that bloggers cannot miss. And as far as I am interested in going, I'm not because of many various reasons. So, this article is to promote the event and not bragging about it, and it is due to the fact that I want this blog to be a multi-daily dose of everything about life, tech and so much more. And that, my friends, is just a fact of life.

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