
Chinese Brands Shock the Global Smartphone Market

The International Data Corporation recently released its preliminary data on the top vendors in the global smartphone markets for the first quarter of 2016 based on number of smartphones being shipped and/or sold and market shares. Samsung may have topped the list, but many tech enthusiasts and critics do not expect that some of the expected mobile brands to retain their spot in the list would be beaten fairly by Chinese smartphone brands that has made their presence felt in the said markets since last year.

Top 5 Smartphone Vendors for Q1 2016

Oppo and Vivo have managed to pull an upset and got rid of LG and Lenovo in the top 5 global smartphone vendor list, and what makes their presence more intriguing is their impressive performance when it comes to shipment volumes with the former has the highest percentage in year-to-year growth posting a massive 153% and the ladder with about 120% growth.

Well, this recent development is good news for both brands since they are starting to build momentum in the Philippines. But the biggest loser throughout the first three months of the year is Apple. Despite being the top 2 in the said list, the US-based company has posted a 16.3% decrease in shipment volumes throughout the period considering that a lesser number of iPhones have been sold these past few months.

For now, anyway, let the Chinese people celebrate for these two are something that they can really be proud of in the tech and telco industry. Well done, Oppo and Vivo!!

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