
The Best of Everything Else at E3 2016

Microsoft's new Xbox One variations, Tekken 7, Death Stranding, Crash Bandicoot Trilogy Remastered, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild are just some of what happened at last week's Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles, and I could not keep up with what else is happening there because of my capacity and ability to go on. But now it seems that I have to go on with other things that have happened at one of the biggest gaming conventions in the world since I think that there are those who want more of what is going on over there.

So, without further ado, I will give you the best of everything else that happened at E3 aside from my own take that I have posted days ago.

1. Sequels

Some of the games that has been showcased at E3 2016 are sequels of some of the best video games around in our generation, and I think it is better for game developers to show off their latest sequels such as Halo Wars 2, Gears of War 4, Resident Evil 7, Dead Rising 4, Forza Horizon 3, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Titanfall 2, and Dishonored 2 among others. Now that's a lot of sequels out there, but there is more to that once they become available in your nearest gaming store.

2. Final Fantasy Overload

Five Final Fantasy games have just showed up at E3 2016, including the remastered version of Final Fantasy XII which I reported on previous editions of TrubeBytes and the upcoming Final Fantasy XV. There are also Final Fantasy games released for handheld consoles and mobile devices that really make an overload interesting such as Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius for the iOS and Android and The World of Final Fantasy for the PlayStation Vita (which will also be released for the PS4). If you think that this would prompt more gamers to buy the PS Vita, then don't keep your hopes up.

3. Nintendo

Many are awaiting for the March 2017 release of the anticipated NX console. But its absence did not stop Nintendo from showcasing games that will be released for the Wii U, 3DS and potentially the new console aside from Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The Japanese-based fun-loving game developer has announced several new games to be released soon including Pokemon Go, Pokemon Sun and Moon for the 3DS, and Yokai Watch 2. How's that for family-friendly fun and magic?

4. The PC Gaming Show

PC games will never be left out of the gaming world, and that is proven on PC Gamer's second PC Gaming Show held within the convention. Twenty games were featured in that show which include Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War, The Surge, Overland, Giant Cop and expansions of Ark: Survival Evolved and Superhot among others. Also in the show are demonstrations of the latest hardware from AMD that can further enhance your hardcore gaming experience on your PC.

5. Into The Pixel

E3 2016 is not about showcasing the latest video games, but also about appreciating the artistic nature of fans who have been appreciating every game they play through the years. This is why E3 has Into The Pixel, an art exhibit featuring selected concept art, in-game assets and screenshots from previous and upcoming games that can push the interactive entertainment art form forward. If you've been there, you may be impressive by the works of art from games such as League of Legends, The Witcher 3: Dead Hunt, Far Cry Primal, Dishonored 2 and so much more.

And that, my friends, really ends the trubist's take on E3 2016. With everything that I have showed you about the gaming expo, you would think of what games are you going to consider playing for your enjoyment whether it is on your own or with your friends. Well, that's it from my end and remember to choose your games naturally.

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