
Blogging Is Not Just One's Personal Online Diary

A few weeks ago, I posted an invitation regarding the recently concluded Blogapalooza 2016: Horizons and I think it fared well considering that it has been the most-read article for a couple of weeks. Honestly, it was never one of my featured articles for Trubiheart but I've decided to include this invitation for those who are new to the business of blogging. And if you think starting your own blog is like having your own personal online diary, then think again for one or two minutes and realize that blogging is beyond that.

Before I started Trubiheart, I was a desperate blogger since I started it early 2014. To tell you the truth, the only reason why I started blogging in the first place is to have my own money knowing that it can be my own only source of income. After months of confusion and failed realizations, I have come to one interesting thought, and that is what I have learned from the two years that I have spent with many experimental blogs I have in the past. Blogging is not just about making money and turning it into a business. No, it is also one's way of sharing his or her thought about everything that is happening within our surroundings.

If you want to start your own personal online diary through blogging, always make sure that what you want to post on your personal blog come with good vibes and not including bad words that could hurt those who are reading it. If you want to start your own demolition job blog that could contain heavy criticism, don't do it because sometimes heavy criticism can lead to negative reaction and a very low turnout. If you want to start something where you want to share and spread what you have learned or discovered to anyone you don't know from different parts of the world, then go ahead with a little bit of positive attitude and a healthy mind.

This is what starting and maintaining your own blog is all about. Sometimes, you need to think of the possibilities and the consequences of what you are going to start. But if you think that there is no stopping you from doing what you want to do, then be it that way. There are so many things that you can learn from blogging, and I can share my own experience with you in the coming weeks. Remember you can consider blogging whatever you want to think, but always understand that blogging can either make or break you not only in the online world but also in your personal and social life as well.

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