
NES Returns in a Smaller Package

Following the success of the highly popular augmented reality mobile game Pokemon Go in the United States, Nintendo of America feels like it will be the right time for the company to bring back one of the most influential and popular video game systems in the world and the console that saved the gaming industry from total bankruptcy, the Nintendo Entertainment System.

NES Classic Edition
Behold, the NES Classic Edition right in the palm of your hands!! Majestic!!
So, the company that brought us Mario and Pikachu recently announced the NES Original Edition on its social media accounts. The new retro system is smaller than the original 8-bit gaming system, can connect to your LED or LCD television set using an HDMI cable, and best of all, it has 30 built-in games which include the Super Mario Bros. trilogy, Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, Pacman, Donkey Kong, Galaga, Final Fantasy, Dr. Mario, Punch-Out and so much more. The best thing about these games is that you can save anywhere which is a welcome development for those who are struggling to finish their favorite games.

The new retro system will include a controller that looks similar to the original NES controller, but Player 2 will have to use a different controller to play with your friend and that would be a Wii remote. In conjunction, the new NES-style controller can be connected to the said remote to play Virtual Console games on a Wii or Wii U. And it all costs about US$60, and that is just the fact of life. The NES Original Edition will be available in the United States on November, while gamers and loyal NES fans can check social media and online news resources for updates on when it will become available worldwide.

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